Water is intelligent to vibrate because all matter is energy, and when we see the body as space, we understand its potential as dynamic, flowing, and uninhibited. Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas provides the opportunity and technology to address side bends with rotations in the vertebrae and tiss...
Advanced Rolfing Fort Worth Dallas and Rolf movement have become an integral part of what Rolfing is, for the simple fact that to fully enable a more integrated being, something must enable the integration of mind/body. Rolfing is about relationships; therefore, structure and function must be congru...
Since my Advanced RolfingĀ® Fort Worth Dallas endeavor began, one thing has become clear, RolfingĀ® uncoupled from movement cues will not get the same results. What once seemed abstract, except for the occasional "aha," now seems much more tangible. Which begs the question "What is Rolfing" is also be...
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